A downloadable Table-Top-Figures


"Those willing to die will live, and those willing to live will die." -Yin Sun-Shin

Those words were uttered by one of asia's most revered generals of all time.

Thus this project was created! 

With this project I wanted to combine my passion of history with Table-Top-RPGs.

Project Process

First I brainstormed and came up with a few drafts, of which historical figure to choose. As I searched the Internet and asked many a friend, I settled for a lesser known individual for a western audience. This historical figure being Yin Sun-Shin.

First I gathered information about Yin, about his many achievements and rewards and prepeared a small information booklet.

His greatest achievements span defeating a japanese fleet consisting of 121 with only 12 Battleships by using his environment and a long steel cable without losing one ship, being promoted posthumous to "Chungmu" (hightest honour of military during the Joseon Dynasty) an even deputy prime minister and more (more in the information booklet)

Following that I had to decide in which fictional world I want to convert Yin. As I am most fimiliar with the world I am building for the past 10 years (a fantasy setting combinig both High and Low Fantasy), I decided to go with this setting. 

I decided on a species that is a mixture of northern european viking and celtic culture and eastern asian samurai culture. This folk is known as the "Woraezukei", consisting of tribes of tall warriors, always dawning there armor reseambling long ceremonial robes, ready two sport in honorful fights and wielding two handed great swords with one hand, while enyoing honey wine after fighting.

The next step was to gather some refrence material and making first scribbles for the character design. After a view iterations,  finding fitting poses for the to be figures I found a proper Art-Style  and  created the Artworks for the Fantasy-Character. 

While working on the artworks, I started to prepare base meshes for both miniatures. As most of the Details for the Artworks where establishd, I started to add them to the 3D-Models. While sculpting and modeling I had to keep in mind to follow all the tips that I learned from the tutorials I watched while preparing for this project.

Subsequently I started to prepare the 3D-Models (As STLs) for the printing process, by reducing the polys, while maintaining most of the details. 

So the printing began! Whilst waiting for the print to finish, started to create art for the packaching for retail.

I hope you enjoy these figures and can integrate them into your setting!


The project was created by Nico Schneider

3D-Printing done by Joel Hassler

This project was created at the Visualization and Interaction in Digital Media (VIS) program of HS Ansbach

This project was made possible by the support of Prof. Sebastian Stamm

Supervised by:

  • Prof. Sebastian Stamm

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